Monday, March 26, 2007

Lander Psych Club Travels to Philly for EPA

This past weekend, the Psychology Club was represented at the annual conference of the Eastern Psychological Association in Philadelphia, PA. At the conference, members of the Club joined hundreds of other psychology students and professionals from all over the Eastern United States in a lively exchange of ideas, networking opportunities, and lectures.

A sampling of some highlights of the program:
The Expansion of Psychology in its Golden Age, 1947-1968, Wade Pickren (APA Historian)
The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, Barry Schwartz (Swarthmore)
Science, Choice, & Free Will, Allen Neuringer (Reed College)
The Little Inadvertent Lies and Deceptions in Student Papers, Miguel Roig (St. John's University)
When More is Less: Increases in Number of Reinforced Trials Results in Decreases in Conditioned Responding, Gonzalo Urcelay, Alyssa Orinstein, & Ralph Miller (SUNY Binghampton)
First Impressions of Battered Women, Rebecca Logar & Sherri Pataki (Westminster College)
Illuminations by Gaslight: Reflections on the Analytic Mirror, Sharon Kahn (Touro College)
Practical Considerations for Quality Data Collection in Educational Settings, Clare Waterman, Lauren Angelo, Heather Warley, Yumiko Sekino, PAul McDermott (University of Pennsylvania)

A four-part symposium on Clinical versus Actuarial Prediction featured Malcolm Gladwell, Robyn Dawes, Michael Bishop, and Joel Weinberger.

Student posters presented original research on social, experimental, clinical, forensic, developmental, and cognitive psychology, as well as psychology teaching and animal behavior.

The final day of the conference was devoted entirely to the issue of Autism:
Assessing Autism Interventions In Public Schools: Which Strategies, For Which Children, And With What Resources? Saul Axelrod, Betsy Wurstner, John Barnard, Nina Wilde and Jenny Wade (Temple University)
The Emergence of Mands from Tact Training, Suzanne Nangel & Paul Neuman (Bryn Mawr College)
Procedural Variants for Teaching Distinct Verbal Classes: Mands, Tacts, Echoics and Intraverbals, Kelly Kates-McElrath, Michael Shea, & Philip N. Hineline (Bucks County Intermediate Unit & Temple University)
Fostering Appropriate Communication in Children with Autism: The Effects of Verbal Behavior Training and Redirection, William Ahearn (New England Center for Children)

In addition, there were booths representing the American Psychological Association, Psi Chi, the Association for Psychological Science, and Cedrus (makers of the SuperLab stimulus presentation software) and others.

Attendees left with lots of new knowledge to go with their new network connections and a better understanding of the field of psychology. And they even got to see a bit of Philadelphia!